

“Yatha Pindande, Tatha Brahmande”

- as in the microcosm, so is the macrocosm.

About Chelsey

Chelsey is a member of the Shoshone Bannock tribes of South Eastern Idaho. She derives her artistic use of storytelling and writing from her rich cultural background steeped in reverence with nature. She utilizes art as a means to express life’s hidden mysteries; weaving the red thread through the cosmic consciousness of our collective story. Her upcoming works include: At Play In The Buddha Fields, a book of poetry and, Touching The Void: A Memoir.

Inspiring creativity as a catalyst in the development of higher consciousness.

…when we meet the end of ourselves, we dance with the pulse of creation.

Personal excellence is not only achieved through intellectual pursuits, but through creativity, movement, nature and connection. Leading from a multidisciplinary scope while maintaining a richly nuanced Tantra tradition, our mission is to create optimal wellness through emotional, financial, social, spiritual and physical health. 

nature, texture, iceland, moody, photography, otherworldly iceland, underground, underworld, otherwordly, woodland,


Our work is to maintain nervous system regulation. Our limbic system, also referred to as our “reptilian brain” is linked to our endocrine and autonomic nervous system. When overly taxed or stressed our survival instincts  become triggered activating our sympathetic nervous system or “fight, flight, freeze,” response.

Operating from a place of fear, lack, scarcity, and acute anxiety starves us from the very things we desire; love, connection, intimacy, and abundance. Our ‘hustle’ culture promotes outwardly striving, forcing, seeking and searching as a measure of success.

It is through nourishing the body and the mind, that the heart becomes nourished. Establishing a state of eudaimonia - a deep sense of unity and well-being. 


(n) the condition of human flourishing or of living well

your natural beauty in its rawest form


The art of pleasure, is seeking pleasure simply for the sake of pleasure. By removing our armor, softening our edges, we expose our delicate skin to the sweetness of life. Our devotion to the practice becomes a devotional act of Self love. We pour into ourselves that which we desire, creating a circuitry of replenishment and vitality.

We are invited to slow down, savor, breathe, feel. To meet ourselves, lovers & life with curiosity, sensuality, and playfulness. Through pleasure we tap into a well spring of creativity and become the embodiment of authentic expression. We find pleasure in honoring our bodies and natural beauty in its rawest form. In surrendering the masks we wear and the defense mechanisms we carry, we arrive at our core and find our greatest source of power.  


how your eyes see the world, the way you move, the shape of your body, the sound of your laughter, the taste of your tears, the smell of your skin. A fine intricate cosmic web of beauty, gifted to you- no one else…


is the forefront to innovation. It motivates, challenges and inspires us. It gives meaning to life and is the source of all manifestations. As humanity continues to pierce through outdated constructs, systems and limitations, we find ourselves at the leading edge. The leading edge of new thought, innovation and higher consciousness.

The imagination knows no bounds.

Artistry requires extracting oneself from the confines of limitation and the status quo. From our own egos and from the projections of others. The act of magnanimous creativity is an act of ecstatic expression. The essence of Tantra.

Revolutionary for its time, Tantra continues to push the limits of societal norms. Requiring us to go deeper into the inner sanctums. We let go, explore and expand our awareness, fortifying our inner genius.

“Art isn’t in the tools, materials, equipment you use. It’s in the way you see the world.”

- Rick Rubin


We live in a world of duality. The structure of every life form, the processes of mind and body, all have their complementary opposites, this is the Divine Play. This polarity sets up a tremendous cosmic force. The balance between tension and solubility. The dualistic aspects dance with each other and act out the drama of incompleteness seeking completion.

This Duality can be found as the source of all suffering, as the sense of incompleteness is exceptionally painful. Tantra is the interweaving of polarities, the positive and negative energies, to return to the cosmic unity as one. Total acceptance and surrender to the natural energies at play ultimately lead to individual wholeness and unity consciousness.

…with her ephemeral dance deployed she will ask no less of you but to touch the void and know her by her real name…Shakti.

red boulders

much like the earth

Tantra invites us to harness prana shakti or pranic energy - currents or channels (nadis) of energy that flow through our pranic body converging at pranic centers of consciousness (chakras). By connecting with the subtle qualities of our breath, mind and body we become acutely sensitive and alive to the wholeness of our being and the world around us.

When we meet the subtle body we soften, a softening into life becomes a dance of erotic bliss. The body becomes an altar of worship and the vehicle to living an embodied life.


prana or vital energy

is physical, mental, and spiritual energy that exists on a molecular level. It is also referred to as “electromagnetism” in Western medicine.

Based on vibration, wave length and frequency, prana is the fundamental driving force which relationships are formed - the state of being connected. It is the energy that sets our life in motion and how creation is brought to life - Shakti, the ultimate creative force.

Growth & Expansion is what we are all about.

Coming Soon!

We are currently developing our sister site, Tantric Life Wellness & Beauty - a Beauty & Wellness platform dedicated to igniting the spark of vitality and natural expression that lives within each of us. We provide education, wellness retreats, workshops, events, and retail products.

